I wonder how I could mockument my most recent escapades.
1) the omnipresent job search. Fuck my job. Of course my job would suck, but working in one of the richest towns in North Carolina doesn't make me wriggle with delight since it's necessary to act like a sycophantic moron and a TARHEEL 4 LYFE which is boring beyond all comprehension. Need 2 free ur minds, ppl. Or at least go on vacation, sheesh.
2) This hotass Piedmont weather combined with the SUNderstorms is slowing my roll.
3) Getting the hell out of dodge, aka Operation EMOFS (Ensuring My Own Future Sanity) by withdrawing from UNC and taking off a bit of time from university study in order to a) rest b) transfer somewhere that doesn't make me want to plant LSD or cyanide in the water supply (WATCH OUT OWASA - jk y'all). But seriously this TARHEEL SPIRIT makes me sick, but I'm going to try to think of the reasons why I want to move to ASHEVILLE instead.
1A [for Asheville]) Art (A!) is there, who I miss a lot.
2A) UNC-A is also in Asheville, the very school that I have, at least once a semester since beginning college, seriously considered transferring to in order to enroll in their awesome creative writing program as well as the academic opportunities for me at a less psychotically competitive rich kid school, namely good grades when I earn them as opposed to how much Adderall I take before the final. Fuck the latter.
3A) Fuck pooling tips and every shitty serving job I've had in this richass town. Just tryin'a serve (and eat!) some good, healthy food and serve/drink some legit beer, and, oh yeah, not to pool tips! I feel confident in the food and drink scene of Asheville being able to provide me with some gainful employment opportunities.
4A) The Piedmont sucks so bad geographically and meteorologically. Gotta get outta here.
So in the meantime (my move date is tentatively post-21st birthday), I am driving, biking, swimming, and walking aimlessly around town with people I like AND/OR reading and watching "This American Life" on my couch or in my bed with my cat sleeping next to me in my cute downtown apartment that I wish I had had while I could have appreciated it.
Though no one will read this until I Facebook status it (and probably not then, after all, remember that France = U.S.A. but is still WAY less boring), I will miss some of you. Glad that you can do it here and that the Tarheelz will win at bball again someday, but I am moving on. Feel free to crash after an Orange Peel show if you feel inclined. Broken Social Scene is playing in September!
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